Council Discusses Genesee Street Signal Removal

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Article was written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

The Morrison City Council convened on Monday, July 10, 2023, with all Alderman chairs filled.  Alderman Josh West offered an apology for his actions at a previous June Council meeting.

The Council approved the Consent Agenda, which included the paying of bills totaling $280,945.55 and street closures for three upcoming events: Thursday, August 10 (Pop-up Farmer’s Market); Saturday, September 9 (FunSlinger Run), and Sunday, September 10 (Swinging Sunday.)

As a result of previous Council member interactions, Mayor Scott Vandermyde asked the members to sign a “Resolution for Adopting the Civility Pledge.” The following is a partial wording: “I pledge to promote civility by listening, being respectful of others, acknowledging that we are all striving to support and improve our community, and understanding that we each may have different ideas for achieving that objective.…” The action passed by a vote of 5 YEAs, 2 NAYs (Tervelt, Zuidema), and 1 abstention (Kruse.)

The other Action Item, which was approved unanimously, closed the alley accessible from N. Jackson and E. Main Streets to all future traffic.

Mayor Vandermyde informed the Council that the State of Illinois has agreed to remove the traffic signals on U. S. Route 30 and Genesee Street if the City of Morrison agrees to close Genesee Street for one block to the south and make Genesee Street to the north one-way for one block. This alteration will appear as an Action Item at a future City Council meeting.

The next session of the Morrison City Council is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., at the Odell Public Library on Monday, July 24, 2023.