MHS 2023 Commencement

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Written and photos by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

Sixty-four students were presented with their diplomas certifying their successful completion of 12 years of education in Morrison Community Unit District 6. The 2023 class of Morrison High School gathered on May 28, 2023, in the High School Gymnasium, before a large crowd of proud friends and relatives

Reflective speeches were presented by classmates Landri Harmon and Adam Tichler, before the Salutatorian Hannah Zinke and Valedictorian Zayden Boonstra voiced their reflections on their time at Morrison High School.

The presentation of diplomas by the School Board President Erin Luckey highlighted the afternoon. Then caps filled the air in the celebratory ritual that ends most commencement ceremonies.

Landri Harmon’s speech was titled “Seven Rules of Life.”

Adam Tichler’s presentation was entitled “Thirteen Years.”

Hannah Zinke shared her thoughts about “Moving Forward.”

Zayden Boonstra spoke on “The Importance of Relationships.”