Key Club Summer Blood Drive–A Lifesaver!

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The Morrison High School Key Club hosted its 4th annual Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center summer blood drive on Wednesday, July 21, 2014, at Emmanuel Reformed Church, 202 E. Morris Street, Morrison, IL.  The Nation’s blood supply runs critically low during the summer months.  Responding to the call, Key Club members recruited over 43 potential donors in the weeks prior to the blood drive.  Many of those recruited were MHS students who had previously donated at the MHS Key Club blood drive held last March at the high school.  Others joining the ranks of life-giving donors were community members, MHS graduates, family members, school staff, and a remarkable ten first-time donors!  Thirty-six units were collected that day, which has served 144 patients at local hospitals.

MHS Key Club faculty advisors, Mrs. Shari Elfline and Mrs. Gwenn Rickertsen, wish to thank all the MHS Key Clubbers who worked so diligently on this premier service project:  Eryn Young, Ashley Taylor Hagerman, Korey Zigler, Alyssa Renner, Krysta Mapes, RJ Tillman, Rachel Magana, and Ashley Damhoff.

A special thank you is extended to the Morrison Kiwanis for their chairmanship and logistical organization.  A note of gratitude is also extended to the Emmanuel Reformed Church for their kind generosity in hosting this community event.

For hosting the blood drive, the MHS Key Club will receive grant money from the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center.  That money will be used to support Morrison community efforts.

Brennah Zuidema is a MHS Key Club graduate and five-time blood donor.

Brennah Zuidema

Korey Zigler, below, is a current MHS Key Clubber who worked the registration desk.  He missed being able to donate at the July 2014 blood drive by two days–his 16th birthday.  Zigler looks forward to becoming a first time blood donor in the future.  Korey has already assisted at four MHS Key Club blood drives.

Korey Zigler

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