MCUD6 Board Changes

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

The Monday, April 24, 2023, meeting of the Morrison School Board of Education produced exits and an opening, along with new leadership chairs being filled.  The evening opened with Superintendent Scott Vance showing of appreciation to two departing Board members (Jim Ridley, 16 years, and Laurie Helms, 4 years), followed by the election of the new Board Officers.  Erin Luckey was elected President to replace Ridley; Dustin Damhoff was elected Vice President; Terri Wilkens was elected Secretary. Vance announced the resignation of Brian Witte and the addition of Jim Prombo, Jr.

Two vacant seats have been advertised for applicants to submit a Letter of Interest, with Monday, May 10, as a postmark deadline.

Following are guidelines for applicants:

  • citizen of the United States
  • 18 years or older
  • resident of the State of Illinois and the Morrison Community Unit School District #6 for at least one year
  • registered voter as provided by the General Election Law
  • may not reside in Mt. Pleasant township.

After adjourning into Closed Session, the new Board reconvened, with attention focused on the published agenda.

New Hires: Chelsea Stuart-FS Volleyball Coach; Emma Sitzmore-Volunteer Volleyball Coach.

Admission of athletic competition into Northwest Illini Conference beginning 2024-25 school year.

Teacher probationary service was approved.

First Year: Chelsea Eads, Chandler Gilbraith, Erin Morris, Kelsey Pudlas, Chelsea Stuart, Sarah Whitebread, Thomas Frank, Gwendolyn Worrell

Second Year: Kelly Holland, Ashley Johnson, Allison Brockel, Megan Modglin, Amber Wright, Dana Bass, Jessica Prowant

Third Year: Tom Drosopoulos

Full-time Tenure:  Discussion tabled.

Action was approved for the application of a new surface overlay on the Northside gymnasium floor at a cost of $19,900, to be completed in the summer of 2023.

The next meeting of the MCUD6 Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, May 15, (6:00 p.m.) at the District Office.