August 28 School Board Report

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Lynnette Forth submitted this report.

The Morrison, IL, School Board held a rescheduled meeting on Thursday, August 28, 2014, due to the strong thunderstorm that blew through the area on Monday, August 25.  Schools were without power, but no significant damage was reported.  The junior high building was even made available to residents in need of a shower or to charge electronic devices.

A public hearing on the 2014-2015 District budget started the meeting, with Katie Kuehl reporting, “The difference from last year is the bond issues.  The deficit last year was huge, because of the bonds.  We had a balanced budget last year, this time last year we had a $500,000 deficit.”  Superintendent Scott Vance stated, “The State has caught up; we are budgeting for four payments from them.  Salaries and benefits still make up almost 60 percent of the budget, but we have seen a reduction of $230,000 from last year.  Operations and maintenance is the biggest cause for concern, and the one percent sales tax would help this a lot.  Transportation still has a deficit of $65,000, but has dropped considerably.  Looking at this budget is the most comfortable I have felt in a long time.” 

In the Superintendent’s report, Vance noted that the high school ACT results were received, with scores increasing from last year.  A fourth section of kindergarten has been added, due to the large number of children.  Staff members are in the process of signing and returning their contracts to the District office. Make a Difference Day was held on Saturday, August 9, with a small number of participants, but a variety of tasks were still completed.  Vance thanked the Dzeladini family for donating breakfast for faculty and staff members.  He also noted that he appreciated the help of all of the volunteers for Make a Difference Day.  

The junior high building custodians received kudos for the hard work that they put in over the summer, with Principal Joe Robbins noting that they have done a great job with a reduced staff.  Classes are underway, and the beginning of the school year has gone well.  There have been some room assignments that had to be changed, and some schedule adjustments, but considering that, all has gone well.  

Kay Harwood, principal of the high school, reported she has implemented an incentive program for the teachers called “The Mustang Award,” which is given to one teacher a month, with nominations coming from other teachers. The award was recently presented to Melissa Landes for her work with B.L.I.N.D and opening night activities.  Reading Wednesdays will continue, proving quite helpful to students, contributing to increased scores on the ACT and PSAE tests.  A donation was received in the amount of $172.40 from ABC advertising as a percentage of their sales from the alumni football team game.  The Key Club ran a successful blood drive in July, collecting 40 units of blood.  Harwood commended Student Council members along with Mrs. Landes and Ms. Stoudt for the planning and implementation of the first Morrison High School Opening Night on Thursday, August 14.  Students and parents toured the school, met teachers, loaded lockers, and were given the chance to purchase PE uniforms, sign up for clubs, and put lunch money on accounts.

Vance reported that a Freedom of Information Act [request] was received from KWQC news reporter Mark Stevens, requesting information on the School District’s football helmets.  “I sent them what I had.  They must be doing some investigation into concussions,”  Vance added.
Discussion Items included:
A.  Treasurer’s Report as of July 31, 2014
B.  Financial Report as of July 31, 2014
C.  Bills as of August 25, 2014
D.  Make a Difference Day
E.  Enrollment projections (Vance reported, “Good news.  We started the year with 14 new students.”)
F.  Online evaluation tool for District principals (Most discussion took place over two different programs.  This would aid in reducing the work load and save two or three hours off of each evaluation.)
G.  Board meeting agenda change (holding Executive Sessions at the beginning of a meeting from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., with meeting beginning at 7:00 promptly, hopefully aiding in shorter meetings.)
H.  Additional RTI/credit recovery aide at junior high/high school (Due to scheduling conflicts, there is currently one section of eighth grade English without a teacher.  Principal Joe Robbins has been filling in.  There is also a need at the high school for a credit recovery aide, due to the large number of students taking courses online after returning mid-period from WACC.  In addition, the junior high staff is requesting an RTI aide to assist at-risk students during certain periods.  One person could fill all of the positions. The person would be paid 1/7 of a teacher’s salary, and an hourly wage for the RTI/credit recovery piece.  This would have to be a certified teacher with an endorsement in English.)
I.  School policy updates
J.  District uniform purchase procedures
K.  Student bussing
L.  Extracurricular reimbursement policy ( No action was taken, but Vance reported a decline in kids participating due to the money it costs to sign up.  Parents are then reluctant to allow the kids to play if they decide they want to quit.  Further discussion will take place at a later date.)

The Consent Agenda was approved including
1.    District bills as of August 25, 2014
2.    Treasurer’s Report as of July 31, 2014
3.    Building Activity Account reports
4.    Personnel recommendations.

Action Items approved were
A   RTI/credit recovery aide for junior high and high school
B.  School Board policy updates
C.  Online teacher evaluation tool
D.  Release of used baseball pitching machine
E.  Interim Superintendent (Gregory Luytens, employed for a minimum of four months for a maximum of ten days per month at $500 per day.)
F.  Multicultural studies credit
G.  Extended prearranged absence.

A Closed Session was held for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, descipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee.

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