Letter from Mayor Everett Pannier

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Editor’s note:  This Letter to the Editor is from Morrison, IL, Mayor Everett Pannier.

When the storm hit at 2:15 p.m. on [Monday, August 25, 2014,] the City of Morrison took a direct hit and was temporarily devastated with downed power lines and broken trees.  Both major highways were closed from three to eight hours, causing major traffic jams as vehicles searched for ways to get through the maze of fallen trees. 

There was considerable property damage, but, thankfully, no injuries were reported.  Well, a week later, we are pretty much back to normal.  Some cleanup yet remains but should be completed by the end of the week.

There are so many people and Departments to thank.  First, the local Police Department, Fire Department, and City crews sprang into action.  Then neighbors came together, checking on each other, and started cleanup. 

At the risk of forgetting someone, we want to extend our gratitude to the following:  the crews from Whiteside County, Mt. Pleasant Township, Union Grove Township, Ustick Township, the City of Prophetstown, and–of course–the Public Works employees of the City of Morrison. They have done a tremendous job of cleaning up debris. 

A special thanks [goes] also to the rapid response from the Companies of ComEd, Mediacom, and Frontier in getting utilities reconnected.

Thank you, thank you!

The Administration and Council for the City of Morrison

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