Resthave Thanks Volunteers

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey. Photos by Resthave Marketing Director Karla Burn.

Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, has been a stalwart nursing facility since the early sixties. The staff and leadership give a great amount of their success to the outstanding volunteer force, that has accompanied their efforts over the years.

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, that dependable volunteer group was invited to an “Appreciation Breakfast,” prepared by the Resthave staff. This was a small token of appreciation for the volunteers’ efforts to improve the daily environment for residents.

Volunteers also received a lunch bag holding cleverly-labeled snacks.

Currently, volunteers total about 30, whose responsibilities vary from reading to residents, assisting with phones, birthday parties, and holiday events. When the weather is nice, volunteers accompany residents in a “Walk and Wheel,” that allows them exposure on the better weather days, by a wheelchair walk around the outdoor facilities. Sharing a table are volunteers Marcia Haag, left, and Mary Burgess.

Burn stated, “Please consider contacting Dawn Stuart or Jamie Troutman at 815-772-402 to become a Resthave volunteer. If you are a Resthave Volunteer and were unable to attend the breakfast, please be sure to see Stuart for your lunch bag full of goodies!

Burn noted that additional volunteers are always needed. Assistance is easily assigned to meet the convenience of the volunteer. Any volunteer owning an interest to read to residents, perform hand rubs and manicures, lead games, or sing and/or play music should contact Resthave Care & Rehabilitation at 815-772-4021 for details.