2023 Cross Walk

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Photos were supplied by the Editor and Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

Morrison Ministers Council organizes and participates in the Annual Community Good Friday Cross Walk. The earliest event found on thecity1.com by the Editor was 2014. Left-to-right are Rev. Dr. Michael Selburg (First Presbyterian); Father James Brzezinski (Church of Saint Anne-Episcopal); Pastor Tammy Anderson (Bethesda Lutheran); Pastor Jon Eastlick (Crossroads Community Church); Pastor Craig Sipes (Brethren in Christ); Pastor J. T. Bean (Ebenezer Reformed Church.)

On Good Friday, April 7, 2023, the event began at 12:15 p.m., with a brief message by Pastor Anderson, below right, inside Resthave Rehabilitation & Health Care, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL. Included was group hymn singing, led by Pastor Sipes, left, and wife Kathi.

Then, Community participants who were able processed half a mile uphill on N. Jackson Street, to Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care, 500 N. Jackson Street. Others rode a shuttle bus; it returned people who started at Resthave after the second Good Friday service concluded.

Outside Pleasant View, Pastor Bean spoke to residents and walkers, while Pastor Selburg held the heavy cross.