July 28 City Council Agenda

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On Monday, July 28, 2014, the City of Morrison Council Meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m.in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  The Agenda follows.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment

Reports of City Officers

Reports of Department Heads

The Consent Agenda calls for approval of three items.

  • July 14, 2014, Regular Session Minutes
  • Bills Payable of $555,198.08
  • June 2014 Treasurer’s Report

Items Removed From Consent Agenda

Items for Consideration and Possible Action include four items.

  • Resolution #14-08, Directing the City Clerk to certify and submit the question to the Whiteside County Clerk of whether the City of Morrison shall be authorized to impose a Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers’ Occupation Tax and impose a Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax
  • Award bids for replacememt of curbs, sidewalks and driveway approaches from water leak repairs
  • Pay request, Fehr-Graham, Tech Drive reconstruction project
  • Resolution #14-0_, Fixed Asset Capitalization Policy

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • Code Chapter 32, Manufactured homes
  • Surplus property, former Wilkens home/acreage


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