Letter from a Morrison School Bus

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Dear Editor:

If I could talk, I would tell you that school starts in a few weeks, and you will be seeing me on the roads again.  I am a school bus for R. C. Smith Transportation.  I would ask you to help keep our children safe, by being careful when you are driving near me.

I would tell you that, although I am very big and bright yellow, there are times when drivers don’t seem to see me, or they become very impatient when they get behind me.  If I could talk, I would tell you how scary it is when other vehicles don’t use caution around me!

I would ask you to be patient and keep your distance from me, because I make frequent stops.  If you follow too closely or pass me when I am loading or unloading children, someone could get hurt.

I would remind you that I have to slow down and make frequent stops.  I warn you when this is going to happen, by using my yellow lights–to indicate I am slowing down–and my red flashing lights with an extended stop sign–when I stop to load or unload children.

If I could talk, I would tell you never to pass me on the right-hand side, because this is where all my children load and unload. Although I have very big mirrors, I also have large “blind spots.”  I might not be able to see you when you are right beside me.

If I could talk, I would explain to you how important it is to keep our children safe.  I would ask you to help me do this, by slowing down, by exercising defensive driving, and by not being aggressive when driving near me.

I would remind you that when you see me, children will be close by.  We both need to be very careful–so no one gets hurt.

R.C. Smith School Bus and my Drivers


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