Council Discusses “Chickens”

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote this report.

The Morrison City Council convened under the gavel of pro tempore Mike Welding on Monday, February 13, 2023, with a small agenda. Upon approving Action items related to change orders on the Water Meter Project and the West End Main Loop Project, and placing a cap on future audit service charges, the Council opened discussions on the Agenda item labeled “Chickens.”

Knowing that, as a Discussion item, no action would be taken, the subject of allowing the raising of chickens (no roosters) within the City limits was opened. This subject had surfaced at previous Council meetings without any resolution. Council members filled the air with opinions and challenges–with tensions building as the discussions progressed. A summary of opinions follows.

Mahaffey: *Limit to six chickens maximum (no roosters) *Consider citizens self-sustainability * Current economic conditions favor allowing raising chickens *Shows that Morrison is a progressive community.

Brucker: * Favors * Seek community feedback.

Welding: *Most local communities surrounding Morrison allow chickens. * Reduces amount of garbage family [must] dispose in landfill.

Zuidema: * Opposes acceptance * “Chickens belong on the farm, not in the City.”

Kruse: * Public unfamiliar with costs and lacks education to raise chickens. * Who will enforce guidelines? Chickens belong on farm. Chickens are dirty and carry disease unfamiliar to beginning owners.

West: * Positive addition to Morrison * Attracts the younger generation.

Discussions ended with the agreement that the Ordinance, to accept or reject the raising of chickens within the Morrison City Limits, would be placed on the next [Monday, February 27,] City Council Agenda, as an Action item requiring a final vote.