Emotion Gives Way to Reality

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Editor’s note:  Whiteside News-Sentinel Editor Jerry Lindsey submitted this interview with Morrisoon Community Hospital CEO Pam Pfister, regarding the eventual closing of Four Seasons Living Center.

Dale Carnegie is quoted as saying “…when dealing with people remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

That advice from Carnegie held true as the Board of Directors of the Morrison Community Hospital contemplated the future of their long-term care offerings.  The inability to generate a “break-even” financial statement relating to the long- term care facility forced the conversations toward alternatives and options for the future.  They knew the care being offered was second to none, and the residents were very well-adjusted to their routines and the personnel serving their needs.  CEO Pam Pfister noted how difficult the journey was to get to the final decision of closing the long-term care facility. 

The process was long and very emotional for all involved….In the end the fact still remained, if the financial loss continued, the plans for improving the services of the hospital would be jeopardized.  The inability of  Medicaid to contribute dependably and  the uncertain economic stress that the State of Illinois is operating under were key elements in the discussions….These critical contributors were not going to improve in the near- or even distant-future.

Pfister stated, “The dynamics of Medicaid reimbursement and the economic status of the State of Illinois did not make it profitable to continue in long-term care.”

No transitional schedule will be defined until MCH receives the Certificate of Need (CON) from the State of Illinois.  At that point, every effort to assist the residents in transition will be forthcoming.  Pfister was very complimentary of the available options within Morrison, IL, in noting that Resthave will have  additional rooms available; Pleasant View has open rooms;   the new Windsor Manor will be opening in time to become another option.

Morrison is very blessed with quality senior care facilities and that fact assisted the directors in their decision process.  Pfister promised the use of “all available resources” to assist in the transition.

In closing the interview, she noted the upcoming addition of providers that will be joining the Morrison Community Hospital team in the near future.  She had high expectations for Dr. Priyanha Gauravi, MD, the endocrinologist that will be headlining  the new Diabetic Center.  She is another example of the quality providers that are offered through MCH and the services that will allow the community to maintain a hospital of this quality.

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