Lincoln to Speak on Slavery, Emancipation, and Equality

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In honor of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday in 1809, Sterling Rock Falls Historical Society will showcase a professional Lincoln interpreter to address the public, on Sunday, February 12, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. The location is Lincoln Learning Center, 611 E. 3rd Street, Sterling, IL. Bring an interested person.

Perfectly apropos of Presidents Month and Black History Month, Kevin Wood as Mr. Lincoln shares his ever-evolving perspectives on the subjects of slavery, emancipation, and equality, including the relationship between the white and black races during his times. Wood gives a brief summary of the long history of slavery in North America. He focuses on the great debates and compromises over slavery, at the time of the formation of the United States and during the subsequent 80 years.

He discusses his political views on slavery and emancipation and how these gradually shifted over the years. He talks about his interactions with both free and enslaved blacks, and about the relationship in general between the white and black races in his times. And, of course, he discusses the great events of his Presidency as related to these issues, including the significant decisions to issue the Emancipation Proclamation; to allow blacks to join the armed forces; to give up on the idea of colonizing blacks elsewhere; to advocate for black suffrage.

This is Kevin Wood’s third appearance in the Sterling area. He is a professional Lincoln presenter who bears a remarkable resemblance to “the Great Emancipator,” and he is extremely knowledgeable about Lincoln’s life and times. Wood has portrayed Mr. Lincoln since 2000, and on a professional basis since 2015. He has made over 1600 appearances in 32 states plus Washington, D.C., Canada, and Spain.

Wood also writes a blog –“Loath to Close…Still!”–which encourages others to reflect upon, and learn from, President Lincoln’s life and legacy.

For more information, visit