Letter from Sheriff John Booker

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Dear Editor:

The voters of this County have once again spoken. It is my life’s greatest honor to
continue to be the Sheriff of Whiteside County. I have so many people to thank tonight [Tuesday, November 8, 2022]–far more than I could ever mention in a short speech. Over the next several days, I will be calling or stopping by to thank many of you, who have worked so hard, so that tonight could happen.

I am grateful to Sheriff Roger Schipper and Sheriff Kelly Wilhelmi for their
unwavering support. They were each great Sheriffs for this County. They are dear friends, and they are shining examples of true leadership. I have always said that politics has no place behind the wheel of a patrol car. Roger and Kelly have always valued public safety over party politics, and I thank them for their continued support of my campaign.

I also wish to thank the Sheriffs and community leaders from all over northern Illinois who supported me in this election. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you, for the good of the people we have been sworn to protect.

I am grateful to my wonderful children, Brandyn and Kaylyn, who have been through this before, and to Mackenzie and Machaela, who went through this for the first time in this election. And, of course, I am so grateful for my amazing grandchildren, [who] inspire me to do this job every day.

I want to thank my campaign manager at home. Skip, thank you for always putting up with my schedule, and for being such an amazing sounding board, during the late nights and early mornings when sleep was not possible.

I am grateful to the members of my campaign team. I could not have done this without you. I will be reaching out to each one of you personally, to tell you just how much you mean to me.

Also, I am grateful to the amazing, hard-working men and women of the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office. The success that I have been fortunate enough to experience, over these past four years, I owe to them.

I am especially grateful to you, the Whiteside County voter. You voted in favor of integrity and experience. I promised you before this race began, and I re-commit to you tonight, that I will not let you down. The safety of our County comes before politics. To those of you who supported my opponent in this race, please know that I will work just as hard for you. My Sheriff’s Office will never ask who you voted for, or what party you belong to, during your time of need.

If you need us, we will be there, period, because that is what this is all about, isn’t it? At the end of the day, isn’t that what this race is about? An election is not a war; it is an opportunity for voters in a democracy to decide who will lead them. The voters of Whiteside County have once again voted for experience and integrity. So, experience and integrity is what they will receive, every minute while I have the honor of holding this office.

Tonight, we celebrate the hard work of every employee of the Sheriff’s Office, the dedication of my campaign workers, and the votes of confidence we received, from the fine people of Whiteside County. And first thing tomorrow morning, [Wednesday, November 9,] we will get back to the important job that the voters have trusted us to keep doing for them. Thank you.

Sheriff John F. Booker