New Spirit at Southside Elementary

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote this interview and took the photograph.

“Education is a reward. The better educated you are, the better chance you have in life.” These words were spoken with conviction by the new Principal at Southside, Lisa Tavitas.

Tavitas is quick to share her excitement about the opportunities that lie before the students and staff in the coming years. She feels that in Education, “Every day is a new experience.” She boasts a “love for learning” and feels that with learning, you can always make life better.

A good learning environment welcomes students who dream, ask questions, and make things real life. She notes, “If you love learning, you can always make life better.”

“The influx of computers requires a give and take by the students. They must decide if the
information is usable and accurate. The teacher, filling the role of communicator, supports the learning process and helps students know how to learn. Teachers now must move away from the ‘all-knowing’ and become a part of the learning process. Education is a skill, and every student must have a want and a desire to learn more.”

Lisa Tivitas is quick to share her excitement about being at Southside Elementary and her desire to become a productive member of the learning community.