MMTA Granted Tax-Exempt Status

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Kathy Janicek submitted this press release and photo.

Kathy Janicek reported on Thursday, April 7, 2022, “Morrison Music Theater Association has some exciting news, that we wish to share!”

Morrison Music Theatre Association is proud to announce that the Internal Revenue Service has determined that the organization qualifies for tax-exempt status.  After a long and complicated application process, MMTA is now officially recognized as a 501(c) (3) public charity.  This means that individual donors and businesses can deduct contributions to the group on their tax returns.  MMTA is also able to receive tax-exempt bequests, transfers, and gifts.

Achieving tax-exempt status has been a long-time dream of the organization.  It was former President and current Treasurer, Eric Phend, who spear-headed the project.  After many months of hard work, official status was awarded to the group in March of 2022.

According to Phend, “We hope that this tax-exempt status will encourage individuals and businesses to contribute to MMTA.  Increased funding will allow us to grow and continue in our mission, to present quality, theatrical productions to the people of the Sauk Valley area.”

The next MMTA production will be “Steel Magnolias.”  Originally planned for March, it was rescheduled for June 3, 4, and 5, and will be presented at Morrison Institute of Technology.  Specific ticket and performance information will be released soon.

Phend (left) and current President Joplin James Sell proudly display the letter from the IRS, which confirms MMTA’s status as a tax-exempt public charity.

“This is a really, big deal for the organization and could be a game-changer for its future!” stated Janicek.