March 24 School Board Report

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Lynnette Forth submitted the following report.

School board members in the Morrison Community Unit School District #6 met on Monday, March 24, 2014, in the Superintendent’s office for a regular meeting.  Approval of the agenda was granted.  Board members also approved previous minutes of:
     A. Regular Board meeting of February 24, 2014
     B. Closed Session meeting of February 24, 2014
     C. Finance Committee meeting of February 24, 2014
     D. Citizen’s Advisory meeting of February 24, 2014
     E. Strategic Planning Committee meeting of March 19, 2014
     F. Policy Committee meeting of March 20, 2014.

In the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Suellen Girard noted that ISAT testing was completed, and PAARC testing is being conducted.  Dr. Girard informed the board that other Districts, such as Sterling, IL, are now requesting to visit to learn more about the Chrome books.  The experience continues to be positive, and the professional development remains key to the success.  Health-Life-Safety amendments for the fire alarm system at each school have been completed for submission to the State.  The architect is completing required forms, but since work was completed by the District, there will be no charge from the architect.  In discussions with the architect, it was noted that it could cost less than $100,000 to air-condition Southside School.  The pipes are in place, and there was planning ahead of time to accommodate for under $200,000.  “This would provide climate control for grades PreK-8,” Dr. Girard said.  If guidelines were written, so that air-conditioning was not used unless the temperature inside the classroom reached a specific level, this could reduce the expense of running air-conditioning, but still improve the instructional climate. Architect Miller also indicated that the most cost-effective way to remove old asbestos is to have a long-range plan and remove a smaller amount each summer.  Miller also indicated that the panels installed in the top part of the windows at the High School and Junior High could be removed and replaced with double-pane glass for around $200 each.  Rather than replace all of the panels, he recommended just replacing a few in each room to increase the amount of natural light.  Dr. Girard stated that the projected deficit of $375,681.63 remains much lower than the original budget deficit of $642,748.84.  All of the bond fund movement is now accounted for in these projections.  The State Financial Profiles were released, and Morrison continues with the top rating of Financial Recognition.

The State Survey of Stakeholders is now available for parents.  Planning is taking place for students and staff to complete the survey after spring break. 

Principal Scott Vance reported that the High School will once again be hosting a ZAPS seminar.  The program is aimed at teaching test-taking strategies and ideas for the ACT.  The workshop will take place at the Super Wash Corporate Headquarters building.  Vance informed board members that, unfortunately, the Three Rivers Conference principals voted 9-6 to approve conference realignment beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.  Spring athletic practices are underway.  Vance is hoping that with the weather getting better, events can begin soon.  The Key Club’s Annual Blood Drive was reported to be a success.
Junior High School Principal Darryl Hogue reported that ISAT testing had been completed, and attendance was at 100%.  Prizes were given to winners each day during exams.  Quiz Bowl, Track, and Swimming have all begun, with 65 students going out for track this year.
Northside/Southside Principal Joe Robbins noted that the elementary students had also finished ISAT testing, with results hopefully coming before the end of the school year.  Robbins informed members that the 4th grade music program was fantastic, and school tutoring is going well.  It was also noted that the Northside Activity Fund had received a check from Wal-Mart for volunteer work done in school by an employee of the Distribution Center.  A community grant check was also received from Wal-Mart for $250, to be used for the music program.  Fifth grade students recently aided in the sand bagging efforts, helping them to learn about citizenship and volunteering within the community. 

Board members heard reviewed reports of the Finance Committee, Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and Policy Committee, and they heard of a Freedon of Information Act request.

A Closed Session was held for contract negotiations. 

Discussion Items included:
A.  Financial report as of February 28, 2014
B.  Treasurer’s report as of February 28, 2014
C.  Financial comparisons FY11, FY12, and FY13
D.  Bills as of February 24, 2014
E.  Financial projections
F.  Enrollment update showed an increased by one student in March.
G.  Financial rating for 2014  (Morrison has once again received a top financial rating by the State.)
H.  2014 District Make a Difference Day (It will be Saturday, August 9, 2014, when approved at the April meeting.)
I.   Board policies first reading
J.  Mark Miller Architect-Health Life Safety
K. Certified staffing levels 2014-2015 (Openings were announced, with open job posting on the school website.)
L.  Activities Director job description (Hiring will possibly be done at the April meeting.)

Consent Agenda (approved)
A.  District bills as of March 24, 2014
B.  Financial report as of February 28, 2014
C.  Treasurer’s report as of February 28, 2014
D.  Building activity account reports
E. Personnel recommendations of employment and resignations

Action Items were approved.
A.  Approval to hire Scott Vance with a three-year contract at a starting salary of $117,000 as Assistant Superintendent.  After receiving his Superintendent endorsement, his salary would increase to $132,000, and he would officially become Superintendent.)
B.  Approval of health and dental insurance renewal
C.  Updated coach job description
D.  Junior High graduation date of Thursday, May 29, at 7:00 p.m.
E.  R. C. Smith bus contract 2014-2015
F.  Approval of easement to the City for new sewer lines
G. Approval of tenure list
H.  Approval of seniority lists for 2014-2015
I.   Approval of health life safety amendments
J.  Approval of Closed Session minutes to remain closed
K. Approve renewal of IHSA Membership

The next meeting of the Morrison Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, April 28.

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