Superintendent Survey Seeks Your Input

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The leadership of the Morrison School District is a position that is critical in the development of our youth and the vitality of the education system.

Not everyone desires to make the volunteer commitment of being a School Board member, but most taxpayers have an opinion and desire the best for the students and teachers of our community.

The upcoming retirement of Superintendent Dr. Suellen Girard has initiated a Search Committee, to filter the candidates and bring the best to the School Board for the final selection process.  This committee of educators wants input from the public, to develop the most accurate profile of the next Superintendent of Morrison schools.

A five-question survey is currently available on the Morrison Schools website.  The deadline for your input has been extended to Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

This is a critical time in the management of our educational system.  The more feedback collected, the better the decision that can be made regarding the next leadership.


Do it for our kids!

Jerry Lindsey, Editor
WNS Publications

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