November 11 Veterans Day Tribute

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JoeKlimsonWhere were you from 11:00 to 11:01 a.m., Monday, November 11, 2013?  For one minute Firefighter Joe Bielema activated the “fire whistle.”  This alerts people around town to the traditional moment of silence, to ponder with respect and gratitude, those who serve in the military.

Prior to this, Fred Steele had welcomed a modest gathering to the Veterans Day ceremony at Grove Hill Cemetery on High Street, at the City of Morrison Veterans’ Park and Memorial, in Morrison, IL.

Ages ranged from primary school children, holding star-spangled banners, to at least two 90-year-old gentlemen.

Former long-time Morrison resident Joseph Klimson wheeled to the annual military recognition, aided by teen drivers.  He always attends if health allows.  Klimson talked with active-duty Navy SEABEE, Petty Officer Dennis VanZuiden after the program.

On Thursday, November 11, VanZuiden, Steele, Dale Usterbowski, and Chief Petty Officer Jerry Brearton participated in an American Legion Post 328 flag ceremony at Morrison Junior High.


vet stone

 DAR plaque

“This old millstone was taken from the Hough Mill near Morrison about 1853,” was added as a footnote the Morrison Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution plaque.  It records planting of an elm tree to honor 22 area men “who died in the World War.”  This would indicate WW I; at that time, no one expected a second one would occur.  The tree was planted April 18, 1924.


Memorial pavers remind viewers of those who served as well as those who loved them.

James Prombo remarked the Veterans Day ceremony is for all men and women who serve their country, in combat or not, and for military personnel in the past, present, and future.  He ended with a prayer.

Steele commanded the three-round salute, and six servicmen responded.  Shown left-to-right are Steel, Phil Schroeder, Vanzuiden, Terry Jones, Robert Brands, and Robert Atherton.  Jeff Steele is out of view, but can be seen in the accompanying photograph at far right.



Ron Wiersema carried the Colors.  Color Guards were Usterbowski, George Glazier, and Prombo, left-to-right behind the Howitzer.  In the background, Carolyn Aiken awaits her part at the conclusion of the ceremony.


Aiken, shown in the background at left, played “Taps.”  She has contributed these poignant tributes for 46 years at Memorial Day events outside of Morrison, Veterans Day, and military funerals or “whenever I am asked, if possible,” she stated.

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