December 14 Morrison School Board Report

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mhs highschoolThe Morrison Community Unit School District #6 Board meeting, on Monday, December 14, 2020, began in closed session at 6:00 p.m., to discuss “matters relating to the employment, compensation, and[/or] discipline of a specific employee.”  The hiring of an employee was tabled.  Open session began at 6:30 and adjourned at 7:13.

Monday, November 16, Board meeting minutes and Bills as of December 14 were approved.

Mark Ardapple was hired as Morrison High School Custodian; Amber Biama was hired as Southside Elementary Paraprofessional.


There has been a growth in the winter benchmark.  Someone stated, “Going to four days enrollment gets the kids caught up.”  “We’re up one, the same as last month,” reported one Principal.  “We were down seven at this time last year,” stated Superintendent Scott Vance.

So far, 122 staff members enrolled in a new technology program, and others will enroll.


Currently there are six, positive, COVID-19 cases in students, but zero among staff members.  There has been a decrease in student numbers.

A motion was approved for an intergovernmental agreement with Odell Public Library.  It will allow every student who does not live inside the City limits to have a free library card.

A motion was approved to accept the 2020 District Tax Levy as presented.  It is due Thursday, December 31.


Discussion took place about purchasing a new District Maintenance truck.  There are two, and one has lots of repairs.  A member suggested selling both and buying a newer van or truck.

Three motions were passed to add approved courses to MHS curriculum in Veterinary Science; Sociology;Transitional Math.  Symphonic Music will be added next year, with Morrison Music Boosters splitting the costs with the District.

The motion was approved to purchase a new District firewall for a three-year cost of $13,929.88.

Discussion considered adding a fall play and moving Baseball to a different season.

The Board of Education approved the release of the used, auditorium sound equipment for sale.

The Board approved the 2020-2021 District Risk Management Plan with its updated costs.

Two motions were passed to approve Family Medical Leave Act requests from employee #NS8757 and employee #NS8281.

The Board approved the property Tax Abatement Resolution as presented.

A future retirement request for Northside teacher Fran Smith was approved; her last year will be 2020-2023.

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