Friends of Odell Library Exceed Fundraising Goal

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Anne Frame submitted this article.

ChildrensBooksDue to the overwhelming generosity of the [Morrison, IL,] community, the fundraising efforts of Friends of Odell Public Library were far exceeded!

“Our goal was to raise $2650 to benefit the library in the purchase of new books.  However, we passed that goal in a blur and were blessed by a final total of $5494.53!” stated Friends’ Treasurer, Barb Peterson.  The monies will be divided between Young Adult Books, Juvenile Books, Classic Movie CDs for kids, and Large Print Books.

“We are so grateful,” said Director Meridith Layne.  “The support we have received for this project will help us, in keeping reading materials up-to-date.”

Layne also announced a new, timely, monthly column featuring various aspects of the library.  The first column will appear the first part of December 2020, written by Jessica Wroble, a Reading Specialist teacher in Milledgeville, IL.  She is a member of the Library Board.  “Grandparents often ask me, ‘What does my grandchild like to read?  Do you have a recommendation?  I want to buy them a book for Christmas.’  In this December column, Wroble will review several of her favorites and others that are found on library shelves for children.

Remember, Virtual Storytime is on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.  This program is perfect for preschoolers, but is enjoyed by toddlers and early elementary students, also.  Storytimes will be viewable on Odell’s Facebook page for one week following the live recording.

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Again, a huge thank you to all our supporters who love their community library.  Look for our new column next month.

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