Why Was thecity1.com Down for So Long?

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As with your computer, web sites use software to present content and keep it organized and attractive.  On Thursday, October, 15, 2020, a critical update for our website’s Content Management System was released.  Our support staff performed the proper backup first and then installed the updated version.  However, the update proved to be incompatible with our “host server,” the company that houses our website on the internet.

Efforts to restore the backup failed multiple times, because the hosting company’s backup system continually timed out.  Thus, it failed to create a complete backup of thecity1.com.  We decided immediately to replace that hosting service for a more effective one.  Technical reviews lauded it as more reliable and faster.  This has proven to be accurate.

Fortunately, our support staff had taken a backup using a different method in recent days, for research purposes.  It was possible to rebuild our website on this new host.  Unfortunately, several emails and a small number of articles were lost during this transfer process. 

We note a significant increase in site performance, since moving our website to this new hosting service.  Support staff is taking additional measures to prevent future long-term loss of service, like the one we and our loyal viewers just experienced.

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