
Auditorium Sound System Goal Has Been Reached

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Editor’s note: Tyler Sutton supplied the choir photo, and Stephanie Briggs took the picture of the auditorium.

HighSchoolChoir“Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you!  With your generous support, we raised almost $18,000 for a new Auditorium sound system.  Future donations (or any still in the mail) will be used for some additional (and needed) accessories to the system, such as studio speakers for the Auditorium Sound Booth and additional microphones. Thank you all, again, for your continued support of the Morrison Music Department,” exclaimed B. Tyler Sutton.

He has begun his fourth year as Director of Bands at Morrison Junior High and Morrison High Schools.  His joyful announcement was made in the second week of October 2020.  During the 2019-2020 school year, Sutton spearheaded fundraising efforts for a new sound system in the High School Auditorium.  There is no District budget for the Auditorium.  The equipment order included a speaker system, amplifier, and CD player.  The bid was $17,500 including installation.

On Friday, August 7, he reported, “We were able to place an order for the equipment we could afford from the donations we received last fiscal year.  It will be installed once all of the funds have been raised and the remaining equipment has been purchased.”  As of August, $7500 had been donated. 

“We would like to publicly thank those that donated to our cause [see donors below].  All donors will be recognized on a plaque that will hang near the auditorium recognizing their contributions,” noted Sutton.  “Thank you for your continued support of the Performing Arts in Morrison!”

All donors are listed below.

  • Individuals:  Lisa Bush, Sally Lindsey, Kathryn Rider, Kelly Sorah, Mike and Kelly Vegter of Vegter Steel Fabrication/American Piping Group, Ken Wolf.
  • Businesses/Organizations:  Climco Coils, Morrison Area Community Foundation, Morrison Lion’s Club, Morrison Music Theatre Association, Staff at Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, thecity1.com, Walmart.


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