
MHS Awarded IEA SCORE Grant for 2021 Open House

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Jerry Lindsey wrote this feature.

IEAGrant1Morrison High School teachers and Morrison Athletic Boosters members gathered on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, to recognize a generous contribution from the Illinois Education Association (IEA.)  Funds will be applied toward the Morrison High School’s Fall 2021 Open House.  Meredith Byers, IEA Early Career Development and Student Director, presented the Morrison Education Association and Morrison High School with a ceremonial check.

In 2019, MHS staff members Brian Bartoz, Tiffany Kao, and Connie Royer wrote a grant request, for funding through the IEA’s Schools and Community Outreach by Educators (SCORE) grant program.  SCORE provides grants for worthwhile, collaborative partnerships involving schools and community members.

The local proposal brings together Morrison Athletic Boosters, Morrison Education Association (the Teachers Association), and MHS Student Council to provide an informative, welcoming Open House event for incoming Freshmen and their families.

This past summer, Meredith Byers, IEA Early Career Development and Student Director, sent Morrison High School a $536 check to make the proposed event a reality.  Although social-distancing considerations prevented a large-scale Open House event from being held in 2020, MHS plans to hold a traditional Open House event, at the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester.

In order to provide busy families with a simple option for dinner the evening of the Open House, Morrison Athletic Boosters will grill hot dogs, as part of a picnic-style hot-dog meal, complete with hot dog buns, relish, ketchup, mustard, potato chips, bottled water, and cookies.  Dinner will be served by Morrison Education Association (MEA) members.  SCORE grant funds will be used to purchase food and related supplies.

  • Members of Student Council, which is advised by teachers Tiffany Kao and Melissa Landes, will lead Freshmen through team-building activities; goal-setting discussions; building tours.  These are designed to help them become acclimated prior to the first day of classes.
  • Principal Cory Bielema, School Counselor Jennifer Streets, and Athletic Director Gregg Dolan will welcome attendees and field questions about opportunities available to students in Unit District #6.
  • Representatives from Morrison Athletic Boosters will provide information about ways to join the Boosters and support co-curricular activities at Morrison High School.

Teachers and Morrison Athletic Boosters members gathered to celebrate.  Pictured left-to-right are, front row (kneeling) Tom Drosopoulos and Tori Eads; standing Annie Palmer, Joplin Sell, Tonia Prombo, Gregg Dolan, Julia Deter, Gwenn Rickertsen, Melissa Landes, Meredith Byers (Illinois Education Association representative), LuEllen Lee (President, Morrison Athletic Boosters), Tiffany Kao, Morrison HS Principal Cory Bielema, Brian Bartoz, Krista Baker, LuAnn Wieneke, Sandra Bechtel, Jennifer Streets, Shawn Swaim (Board Member, Morrison Athletic Boosters), Josh Robbins, and Kerry Grim.


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