
McCombie Named Champion of Free Enterprise

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McCombie2020Illinois State Representative Tony McCombie was named a Champion of Free Enterprise, an award given by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce to Legislators who have made special contributions to the defense of free enterprise, and the furtherance of economic opportunities for Illinoisans.

The Illinois Chamber rated all members of the 101st General Assembly based on Legislators’ votes on the key business legislation, as determined by staff and the Illinois Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee.

Awards are given biennially to members with Illinois Chamber ratings averaging 85 percent or higher over the previous two General Assemblies, who have demonstrated their commitment to legislation that frees the entrepreneurial spirit.  Votes in the Senate and House are selected based on their impact on the business community.  None of the bills used in the report are weighted, as there were an adequate number of bills voted on during this General Assembly.


“Government does not create jobs.  Free Enterprise creates jobs.  There is no more important focus we should have as a legislative body representing Illinois taxpayers, than to ensure we get Government out of the way of job creation for our residents.  We have some of the greatest workers in the world….They deserve our honest efforts to build economic security for Northwest Illinois,” said McCombie.

“Rep. McCombie is both a maverick and a leader,” said Illinois Chamber President and CEO Todd Maisch.  “She is contributing to improving Illinois through her personal votes and her leadership in the House.  We are proud to give her this award and look forward to continued working with her, to help build stronger business and a stronger Illinois.”

“It is our job to educate our members on the record of their Representatives and hold them accountable for it,” said Illinois Chamber Vice President of Government Affairs Clark Kaericher.  “We believe the Chamber’s legislative ratings are an effective tool, in determining that accountability and commitment to economic growth.”

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce previously named McCombie their Freshman Legislator of the Year during the 100th General Assembly in 2018-2019.

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