Auditorium Fundraiser Nears Goal

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On Friday, August 7, 2020, Morrison Junior High and Senior High School Director of Bands B. Tyler Sutton commented on fundraising efforts, for necessary sound equipment in the Auditorium.

“We were able to place an order for the equipment we could afford from the donations we received last fiscal year.  It will be installed once all of the funds have been raised and the remaining equipment has been purchased.”  $7500 had been donated as of August 9.  “We are currently at 43% funding and need $10,000 more to complete this project.”

By Wednesday, August 12, much had changed.  Sutton writes, “Even though Farmers National Bank donated last spring, the bank inadvertently was omitted from the press release of business sponsors.”  [Editor’s note:  The original article has been updated.]

“A $5000 donation was received from Virginia Burns Private Charitable Foundation, as a grant for the sound system.  We are at 71.5% of our goal.  We need to raise $2100 for equipment and $2900 for the installation costs.”

Total money raised–to date–is $12,748, with a balance of $5000.  How quickly can that be accomplished?  Morrison Community Unit School District #6 opens on Thursday, August 20.

In this file photos, on April 10, 2013, retired Junior High and Senior High School Band Instructor David Bean illustrated how the new light and sound board operated.  Standing left-to-right were Nick Bonneur, Bob Stone, Anne Frame, Carol Wolf, and Darnell Blacklock.


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