Free and Confidential B-CALM Help Line

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Feeling isolated, without purpose?  Miss your friends?  Fearful of the future?  Just want to hear some encouraging words?  Call the new, confidential B-CALM help line, 888-332-2256, for a positive spin on how to deal with the stress you are experiencing.  Chat with someone who is trained in coping and self-care.  Talking to people you trust is one way to decrease the stress you are feeling, from being cooped up with the shelter-in-place mandate.  Kids and adults are impacted, but in different ways.  Changing how you react to these unprecedented times can make a difference.

The B-CALM help line is available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The free service is sponsored in partnership with the CGH Health Foundation and Sinnissippi Centers.

“The new B-CALM line is a safe and secure resource for youth and families, who might need a boost in finding positive ways to respond to the anxiety we are all experiencing,” said Gloria Martin, Director of Child and Adolescent Services at Sinnissippi Centers.  “We know kids and parents are missing their friends, and so many of what used to be ‘normal’ activities.  Our trained Counselors are familiar with child and family issues.  [They] want to be a source of support, as we come together to manage these challenges.  This isn’t therapy, but just a way to reach out to a safe person for a chat and support.

“A common trigger of stress is some kind of loss,” continued Martin, “the loss of, or change in, a relationship; the loss of another person; the loss of stability associated with change, such as the total upheaval caused by COVID-19.  One of the best ways to cope with your feelings is to communicate with another person….Sometimes it helps to just talk, vent, and problem-solve with someone safe.

“There are simple ways each of us can change how we feel.  Get more sleep.  Exercise more.  Eat healthy food.  Laugh more.  Use positive self-talk and positive attitudes.  Make an effort to relax.  Talk to people you trust.”

Call the B-CALM help line at 888-332-2256, and start feeling better.  Go to or for more healthy resources on emotional well-being, nutrition, and physical activity.

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