
Janette Bush Gave 50 Years of Service

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JanetteBushPlantsJanette Bush, Prophetstown, IL, retired from Resthave Care and Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, on Friday, June 5, 2020.  One Resthave staffer stated, “This is sad.  This is going to be a hard one,” as she headed to a very private retirement celebration at Resthave.

Marketing Director Karla Burn noted, “We wanted to have an Open House for Janette, surprising her by inviting her family and friends.  However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were unable to do that, for this incredibly deserving employee”  Bush received summertime annuals for planting at home and a cake to share.

Janette was 18 years old when she applied for, and got, the job at Resthave.  She recalled that she hadn’t known of any job openings, however, “I just took a chance and, by the grace of God, got a job!”  Wow!  Fifty years of employment at one place!  Or as Janette would correct us, “No, I’m two months short of 50 years.”

Janette’s giving, serving heart would never want to take credit said Burn.  “When you thanked Janette for anything she did at work, she would undoubtedly exclaim, ‘No!  Thank you!  It’s what I call job security.'”

Janette was asked to describe a couple of her favorite stories or interactions with residents, just the tip of the iceberg of employment memories.  “A resident I was very close to did a lot of crocheting, so I asked her if she would teach me to crochet.  So after work I’d punch out, go to her room for a lesson, and I learned to crochet.  A resident was very unhappy with the outside of her windows being dirty in the month of January.  One day I took some windshield washer fluid from home, put it in a spray bottle, and washed her windows, on a sunny (but cold) January day.  She was very happy, and we often chuckled about her clean windows for weeks to come!  It doesn’t take much to make people happy-just a little TLC!”

As one employee said, “Can you even begin to imagine all the lives she has touched while she was here?”

Bush stated, “The residents really fulfilled my life and gave meaning to my life.  I was happy to come to work each day.”  She says that she has been blessed by being able to serve our residents.  If you ask the residents and staff they would certainly say they were blessed by Janette’s never-failing kindness.

Resthave Care & Rehabilitation would like to sincerely thank Janette Bush for her amazing, nearly 50 years of service, but also for all the life lessons she taught us.She exhibited a sincere, generous heart.”

We wish you all the best in your retirement!  You will be greatly missed.


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