
County Prepares for Restore Illinois Phase 3

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ReopenPhase3On Sunday, May 24, 2020, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) released the Phase 3 Guidelines, for Reopening Businesses and Returning People to Work Safely,  The Department of Health spokesperson, Cory Law, announced on Wednesday, May 27, that the County is within the State’s guidelines for reopening.  Along with its local partners, the Health Department has begun disseminating information for safely reopening Whiteside County businesses.

Guidance includes general and specific information and tool kits for ten industry categories:  Manufacturing; Offices; Retail; Service; Health and Fitness; Personal Care; Restaurants and Bars; Outdoor Recreation; Day Camps; Youth Sports.

The DCEO office can be reached for question or comment through their Business Hotline, Monday-through-Friday at 1-800-252-2923 or by email at  The full guidelines can be accessed at

Whiteside County Board Chair Jim Duffy said, “This has been a difficult time for everyone.  First, our sympathies go out to those who have lost family and friends, or who are battling this virus.  Additionally, we are concerned for those impacted economically during this pandemic and worried about jobs, homes, and businesses.  Locally, the County, the Whiteside County Health Department, and all of its partners (medical professionals and hospitals; Chambers of Commerce; educational institutions; economic development organizations; municipalities; faith and industry leaders) have been collaborating with our Federal, State, and Regional partners, to find ways to support our community and the businesses that serve them, through the recovery process.”

Duffy added, “As a group, we’ve done a good job containing the virus, providing assistance, and getting information out, and our community has really stepped up…. Whether it’s been contributions to food banks, or businesses like Wahl and Halo shifting gears and getting involved in the manufacture and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment, our community has performed admirably.”

To help businesses navigate Phase 3 Guidelines, County officials recommend these sources of information and assistance:

● Restaurants, bars, and other food service should contact Whiteside County Health Department Environmental Office at 815-772-7411, extention 104.
● Other businesses can contact Chambers of Commerce or WCHD at 815-626-2230.
● Individuals with questions or comments can contact Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity; WCHD; local elected officials.

COVIDATesterSamanthaParksLaw commented, “We realize this has been a difficult time for individuals and businesses and appreciate the interest and effort our community and partners have shown, in working together to keep our community safe.  The general emphasis from these recommendations is to find ways to limit possible exposure through social distancing, masking, symptom monitoring, and altering processes and workflow to protect those at high risk.”

At left is WCHD’s Samantha Parks, a Front Line Hero, who stands ready to administer COVID-19 tests.

For more information on Phase 3 Guidance visit:

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