
Pick Up Girl Scout Rainbow Hearts

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Morrison, IL, Girl Scouts in grades 4 and 5 have populated the town with 100 bags of complimentary paper hearts.  Ten colorful hearts per bag were made by the Girl Scouts as part of their Bronze Award service project.  The public is invited to pick up a kit at one of these six Morrison, IL, businesses:  Embraced; Fitzgerald Pharmacy; Happy Joe’s Pizza; Morrison Post Office; Original Taco; Sullivan’s Foods.

Abby, Allison, Ella, Finley, Sarah, and Taylor–Girl Scout members of Troop 1504–encourage the community, businesses, nursing homes, and churches to display hearts in their front windows.  The hearts are a sign of solidarity as part of the “Heart Hunters” initiative.  Their project is a simple reminder for everyone who sees the hearts, that we are a connected and supportive community.

IsaacHeartsEach color is a tribute to, and an appreciation for,

Blue:  law enforcement employees

Red:  fire fighters, EMTs, dispatchers

Pink:  medical, pharmacy, and veterinary employees

Black:  those that have lost a loved one

White:  those that are sick or caring for a loved one

Purple/Lavender:  media employees

Orange:  grocery and restaurant employees, farmers

Brown:  school and day care employees

Green:  Postal employees, delivery/truck drivers

Yellow:  State and County employees.





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