
Fire Department Delivers Birthday Wishes

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JamieWhiteDaileyDamhoffLike students across the United States, Morrison children are confined to home, during the “Stay Home” initiative, to combat exposure to, and spread of, coronavirus.  Some might miss the usual celebration of their birthday during this confinement.  Organized by Tony Belha, Morrison Fire Department has followed the lead of other local departments, to do something nice for their community.

Visit Facebook.com/MorrisonFireDepartment if your child will have a birthday during the “Stay Home” initiative.  It has been extended at least through April.  Beneath the header, click the light gray “Send Message” box, and write a request for a visit.  The men “will see what we can do to make their birthday a little extra special, since they are not able to have a birthday party with their friends or some of their family members.  Please give us a day or two notice, so we can line up a driver.”

Volunteers will drive a fire engine to your house to deliver birthday wishes.  In order to protect the community they serve, first responders are unable to get out of the truck.

These visits only are available while school is closed.  Below are three of the first five youngsters who were treated to MFD bells and whistles.

1. Faith Green, 16, is the daughter of Rebecca and the late David Green.  She received the first unique birthday acknowledgement on Sunday, March 22, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., and shared it with brother Tyler.





















2. Dailey Damhoff, 14, is the daughter of Derik and Lisa Damhoff.  She was surprised on Tuesday, March 24, about 6:30 p.m.  Her father stated she had been feeling disappointed that she could not have a party or be with her friends.  “She teared up when the truck drove down the drive.”  It was especially sweet, he added, that the firefighter was a family friend, Jamie White.


















3. Jordan Wright is the son of Tony and Amber Wright.  At 6:30 p.m., on Jordan’s 5th birthday, Friday, March 27, flashing lights, sirens, and a horn signaled someone special was coming.  Brian Tichler drove up, rolled down his window, and said to Jordan, “Hi!  Happy birthday!”

Tony Wright said, “It was pretty nice of them to do this.”


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