
Recording Services at Church of Saint Anne

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StationOfCross4The Rev. Fr. James Brzezinski, Rector at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, 401 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL, invited his church family to “join me today [Friday, March 27, 2020,] for The Stations of the Cross from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.”  The 14 sequential devotions/prayers commemorate Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man.  Pictured is Station 4, when Jesus met his mother in the crowded walk to Calvary.

The path He took has similar names in various religions:  The Way of  the Cross; Way of Sorrows; Way of Suffering; Sorrowful Way; Via Crucis; Via Dolorosa.  The theme is universal.

This Lenten event was recorded for the first time, with Father James speaking devotions and singing chants, apropos of each of the 14 Stations depicting Christ’s Passion.  It is 31 minutes long.  The following piece was an introductory prayer:  “Assist us mercifully with your help, O Lord God of our salvation, that we may enter with joy upon the contemplation of those mighty acts, whereby you have given us life and immortality; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

On Saturday, March 28, he wrote, “Thank you to everyone who joined in the devotions of The Stations of the Cross yesterday.  Here is a hyperlink for those of you who were unable to tune in at that time, but who would like to watch and pray through the Stations of the Cross with the recording.”

The link is available to anyone to follow the events, beginning when Jesus is condemned to death and concluding when he is laid in the sepulchre (tomb.)

In addition, Fr. Brzezinski has begun to hold virtual services, allowing congregants to shelter-in-place.  “I am following the directions of our State and Federal authorities, [to] shelter-in-place, and the instructions of The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, our Diocesan Bishop, [who advised] ‘no in-person ministry and no services, meetings, o[r] events in the church building.’  I will be celebrating Mass this Sunday, March 29, from the Rectory, as we did last week.  [Those who] can not attend at 9:00 a.m. …will be able to listen to the recording when, I send the follow-up email after the service.

“Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at—mass-rite-i.”

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