Tree linedPath

Five Minute Guided Imagery Walk

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Find a quiet time to view this creative exercise.  “Noises Off,” as the British say.  For those wwho love to write, as soon as you finish the guided imagery, write about your experience.  You will be see a deep level of detail.

Breathe slowly with eyes closed for a full minute–count to ten six times.  Relax your mouth and face; drop your shoulders; let your hands go limp; uncross your ankles.  Then open your eyes and look at this photograph.  Continue to breathe slowly. 

Imagine rubbing your hands down the warm bark.   Do the trees have a fragrance?  Slip off your shoes and feel the thick grass.  Breathe slowly.  When you are ready, stroll barefoot along the dusty path, beside this stream.  Who or what do you see on the water?

Imagine how the late afternoon sun feels on your skin.  Breathe slowly; close your eyes.  What do you hear?  Breathe slowly.

Move along the path; which direction will you go?  Does the path seem strange? curious? familiar?  Breathe slowly.

Imagine what is in the building in the background.  Breathe slowly as you approach in the shade.  Who lives there?  Find out by knocking on a door.

Close your eyes for a full minute–count from ten to one six times.  Your have completed your summer walk.  Open your eyes.  Breathe.

Tree linedPath

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