
Audrey Temple, Resident Volunteer of the Year

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Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, announced Audrey Temple as their “Resident Volunteer of the [2019] Year.”  Audrey has shown excellent service at Resthave by giving endless hours of her time to help several departments.  Audrey prepares mailings, cuts, folds, staples, sorts, etc. as needed, to help alleviate the load of the different departments.  When thanked for her work, Audrey often replies, “It’s my pleasure.  I love to keep busy!  What else can I do?”

Karla Burn, Marketing Director stated, “Audrey is a worker bee, and we really appreciate all she does.”  Audrey received a certificate, Resthave T-shirt, and daisies as part of her recognition.

Pictured standing left-to-right are Burn, Laura Medenblik, and Connie Pruis; sitting is Audrey Temple.


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