
Farmers National Bank Donates to Grandstand Bleachers

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Stephanie Vavra wrote this article.

On Thursday, October 3, 2019, Farmers National Bank, 1100 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, presented a generous donation to the Whiteside County Central Agricultural Society Board of Directors.  Their $25,000 will reimburse the organization for costs on a major grandstand improvement project.

The Board will replace bleachers and “overhaul the outside [of the structure] a little,” reported Fair Board President Paul Vock on Friday, October 4.  “The bleachers are already gone.  The first slab of concrete was poured today in the morning,” by Quality Ready Mix Concrete Co. of Morrison.

“New bleachers are being built and are supposed to arrive after October 15-to-20.  They will be [shipped] broken down and then installed.”  There were 2250 seats before.  He said there may be “just a few more, not many.”  The seats are “like what we had before, but they are all [unpainted] aluminum.  They should last for 100 years!” Vock concluded.

Sharing the check presentation, left-to-right, are front, Todd Mickley, Mary Beth Dombroski, Karl Kovarik, FNB  Vice President Doug Vanderlaan, Fair Board President Paul Vock, FNB Assistant Vice President Angela Erickson; back, Mike Wersema, Rob Vegter, Jon Brackemyer, Brian Oostenryk, Sr., Brian Oostenryk, Jr., John Wiersema, and Dan Heusinkveld.  Fair Board members Brad Noble and John Mosher were unable to attend.


Dan HeusinkveldFNBGrandstandDonation

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