Bustos on Attempted Coverup and Whistleblower Complaint

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On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos released the following statement.  It was issued after the House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on the Administration to cease any action to withhold a whistleblower complaint, made to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, and to cease actions to discredit the whistleblower publicly.

“Today, for the world to see, we learned in his own words that the President of the United States used the full weight of the most sacred office in the land, to coerce a foreign leader in a way that undermines our democracy and threatens our National security.  I support the House Intelligence Committee’s search for the truth in this impeachment inquiry.

“Republicans and Democrats must demonstrate that, together, we stand for law and order and that this exploration must be fair, evenhanded, and unrushed.  As the Intelligence Committee investigates this sad chapter in our Nation’s history, I call on my colleagues in their critical roles, to keep their focus on the important work at hand to bring down the cost of health care, rebuild America’s infrastructure, and reinvigorate the American dream for families in every corner of our Country.”

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