
Odell Presents Film “The Way” and Travelogue

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TheWayFriends of Odell Public Library present the film, “The Way,” on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, beginning at 2:00 p.m., in the Program Room of Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  “The Way” refers to a pilgrimage in Spain to the Cathedral of St. James.  It is believed that James the Great, a disciple of Christ, brought Christianity to Spain.  After his death, his body was brought back to be buried in this great church, built between 1075-1122.

The film was written by Emilio Estevez, was inspired by his son, and stars his father, Martin Sheen.  The film his dedicated to his grandfather.

The story involves a California doctor named Tom, played by Sheen, whose son, Daniel, dies while attempting to complete “The Way of St James,” a centuries-old pilgrimage over the Spanish mountain country to the Cathedral in Santiago.  Tom files to Spain and decides to scatter his son’s ashes along the route of “The Way.”  As he walks this ancient trail, Tom rethinks his relationship with Daniel.

Tom is not alone on this journey, although he prefers to keep his distance from the others.  The most entertaining is a cheerful Dutchman, Yorick.  Sarah is an unhappy, recently divorced woman from Canada.  There is an Irish writer, Jack.

Each carries a distinct reason for following “The Way,” as they walk through beautiful country and encounter both the colorful locals and other pilgrims.

Coupled with this film will be a discussion, slides, and photos of Marc Adami, Theresa Brandon, and Mark and Jean Zinnen, who all recently walked one of the ancient routes to Santiago.  They began on the northern coast of Spain, in the town of Ferrol, and processed along the Camino Ingles, from Wednesday, September 19, to Tuesday, September 25. 

The quartet will present a delightful and thoughtful discussion on Monday, March 18, at Odell Library, 307 S. Madison Street, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Shown left-to-right along the Camino de Ingles Santiago are Marc Adami, Jean Zinnen (front), Mark Zinnen, and travel companion/professional travel Guide John Lionet.  Brandon took the photograph.

CaminoDeSantiagoCelebrating the completion of their journey to Santiago, Spain, left-to-right, are Marc Adami, Mark Zinnen, Jean Zinnen, John Lionet, and Theresa Brandon.  


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