
Legislation Passes to Make the House Govern Effectively

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FenceTrumpOn Thursday, January 3, 2019, the House of Representatives passed legislation that will fundamentally change the way the House operates.  The rules package will ensure that the House is more effective, fiscally responsible, and working with integrity for the people.

Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, stated, “For far too long, Speaker Paul Ryan and Washington Republicans allowed a constant culture of failure to hold a firm grip on the House–but that’s going to change with the new Democratic majority.  Since I was elected to Congress, I’ve worked across the aisle to find common ground….With the new legislation passed today, the House will return to regular order, allow bipartisan ideas to flourish, and better reflect the values we hold dear in the Heartland.”

“While President Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp,’ we’re actually going to do it in the House:  requiring additional ethics training and banning Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.  These rules are an important step in the right direction and will allow us to govern effectively, for the families who are counting on us to get results.”

Several changes from the previous Congress are listed below.

GOVERNING WITH INTEGRITY:  Members of Congress must complete ethics training, and staff must attend ethics training annually.  Additionally, to avoid conflicts of interest, Members of Congress and staff will be banned from serving on corporate boards or as an officer of any public company.  Members of Congress must reimburse the U. S. Treasury for any settlement related to allegations of discrimination.  Each House office must adopt an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy.

BUILDING CONSENSUS AND WORKING ACROSS THE AISLE:  A Consensus Calendar will be created for legislation that has at least 290 cosponsors, meaning bills on this calendar will have support from both Republicans and Democrats.  The Speaker must designate a vote on legislation from the Consensus Calendar each week the House is in session, making sure bipartisan, commonsense legislation moves forward.

LIVING WITHIN OUR MEANS:  The pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rule will be reinstated, ensuring Congress lives within its means just as families do….Under PAYGO, legislation must be “deficit neutral.”  Any new costs must be countered with spending cuts or additional revenue.

On Friday, January 4, and during the next week, the House will consider additional changes to the rules listed below.

MODERNIZING CONGRESS TO WORK BETTER FOR THE PEOPLE:  A Select Committee will be created with the goal of modernizing Congress.  This committee will investigate, study, and hold hearings to make sure Congress is working effectively for the people; developing the next generation of leaders; properly using innovation; reflecting the diversity of our Country.

PROTECTING HEALTH CARE:  With protections for preexisting conditions under attack from the White House and Mitch McConnell, the Speaker of the House is authorized to intervene and take legal action to protect the Affordable Care Act and access to care for American families.

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