Letter from Marc Adami

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Dear Residents,

The Whiteside Forum hosted Professor Kimberly Zarecor via teleconference on Thursday, November 15, 2018, at Odell Public Library.  This was a first for us.  Her research and the topic she discussed with us is how small rural communities can “Shrink Smart.”  In other words, there are ways we can improve quality-of-life in any small town, without bankrupting residents or City Government.  There are wrong (or at least, not cost-effective) ways to avoid, according to her research.

If you attended this Whiteside Forum event, please let me know what you felt about the teleconference format.  Are there any improvements you would suggest?

Below are the links that Professor Zarecor promised to send us.

Kindly email me at marcadami53@gmail.com.com to share your thoughts about the recent event.

Thank you.

Marc Adami, on behalf of The Whiteside Forum

This link to our first article can be used until Saturday, December 8, 2018, to download the article for free:  https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1XvzA2eyKFZeif.

This is the article information:  David J. Peters, Sara Hamideh, Kimberly Elman Zarecor, Marwan Ghandour.  “Using Entrepreneurial Social Infrastructure to Understand Smart Shrinkage in Small Towns,” Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 64 (November 2018): 39-49.

We did a podcast interview:  https://elgl.org/podcast-the-shrink-smart-project-managing-population-loss-in-rural-communities/.

Find more news about the project at our website:  http://scc.design.iastate.edu.

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