
City Relaxes Downtown Parking Rules

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On Friday, November 16, 2018, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen reported, “The City Council recently made downtown parking policies more user friendly for downtown residents and business owners.  Motorists are now allowed to keep their vehicle in the downtown area overnight.”

“The one exception to the rule is if there is enough snow that requires maintenance crews to access the streets.  The new signage requires us to remove our vehicles when there is more than 2″ of snow.  The Council’s policy priority is to allow parking as much as possible.  Practically speaking, rather than playing the odds with the meteorologist, anytime there is more than a dusting of snow, it is probably wise to remove our cars, [because] the margin of error in a snow forecast can easily vary 1″ to 2″.  Don’t risk a ticket.”

Chief of Police Brian Melton stated the fine for a parking violation is $25.

“Enjoy your overnight parking (when there isn’t snow)!” Dykhuizen said.


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