Free Health Screening to Prevent Falls

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RVPTLogoEvery year, millions of people 65 years and older fall.  More than one-out-of-three individuals will fall this year, but less-than-half will tell their doctor.  Falling once, more than doubles your chance of falling again.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one-out-of-five-falls cause a serious injury, such as a broken bone or a head injury.  Many falls can be prevented by making some changes.

Don’t wait until you or a loved one suffers an injury.  Join us at Rock Valley Physical Therapy, 635 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, for a free Balance and Fall Risk screening, on Thursday, November 29, 2018.  The short program begins at 11:00 a.m.  Balance evaluations will follow until 12:30 p.m.

Four things you can do to help prevent falls include

  • exercise to improve your balance and strength
  • have your health care provider review your medications
  • have your vision checked
  • make your home safer.

Many falls each year are preventable.

Starting some form of exercise routine not only will reduce your risk of falling, but will make you feel better and improve your confidence.  The best way to know what exercises to do, would be to talk to your health care provider or physical therapist.

Some medications or a combination of medications can make you sleepy or dizzy and cause you to fall.  Over- the-counter medications can also have this effect.  Talk to your health care provider or pharmacist if you experience the side effects.

Make sure to have your vision checked at least once a year and update your eyeglasses. You may be wearing the wrong glasses or have a condition like glaucoma or cataracts that limits your vision.

Since about half of falls occur inside the home, the best way to reduce your risk is making your home safer.  Some examples are easy, like adding night lights around the house.  Some require more assistance, like adding grab bars in the bathroom.

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