Letter from Terry Strike

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Dear Editor:

We owe it to our communities, to have a Sheriff who can create solutions to complex problems while sharing and collaborating resources.  Kris Schmidt is poised to be that voice and solution for the citizens of Whiteside County.  Kris will work with all other Law Enforcement administrators, to assure that issues are tackled together in a collective manner.

All of us, as citizens of Whiteside County, should demand our next Sheriff to be a positive leader, while resurrecting character and integrity to the position of Sheriff.  This type of positivity, integrity, and fairness must exist, not only in our homes, schools, and communities, but also in our local Law Enforcement agencies.

Kris Schmidt is the only decision for Whiteside County Sheriff.  As a local Law Enforcement executive, I am asking for you to join me in voting for Kris Schmidt on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

Terry Strike, Tampico, IL, Chief of Police

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