
Lincoln Portrait Gifted to Whiteside County

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On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, the Whiteside County Board took receipt of this iconic portrait of Abraham Lincoln.  It will hang in the Morrison, IL, Courthouse with other Illinois Presidents, to honor the State’s Bicentennial.  The gift is sponsored by Illinois State Bar Association and Illinois State Bar Foundation; Illinois Judges Association and Illinois Judges Association Foundation; Illinois State Historical Society.  In the photo are 17 of 27 County Board members who attended the Lincoln Portrait Unveiling Ceremony at the Courthouse.  Courtroom B was filled with people of all ages.


Some of the youngest were members of Morrison Girl Scout Troop 1504, who opened the event by conducting an official, Girl Scouts of the USA Flag Ceremony.  Fourteen of the 30 members took part in the Presentation of the Colors and leading the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.  It was close quarters as the Flag Bearers, Guards, and attending Girl Scouts entered the courtroom carrying very tall flagpoles.


























Prompted by the caller, Annabelle, the Colors were posted, and the Honor Guard retreated.



SteinesSpeaksThe Honorable Stanley B. Steines, Presiding Judge, left, shared opening remarks and recognized the following public officials.

Left-to-right in front are Circuit Judge Trish Joyce; Associate Judge William S. McNeal; Retired Judge Michael R. Albert; the Honorable James. F. McCluskey, President Illinois Bar Association.

In back are Attorney Rory T. Weiler and Bill Furry, Executive Director Illinois State Historical Society.

Seated is Retired Judge John L. Hauptman.








President of Whiteside Bar Association Attorney Megan Mertes spoke of Abraham Lincoln the  lawyer.  Terry Buckaloo, Sterling Rock Falls Historical Society Director, shared three historical connections between Abraham Lincoln and Whiteside County (before he became President.)  Lincoln spoke in Propheter Park, Sterling, IL, where his statue stands; served in the militia during the Black Hawk War, when the Prophet’s Village was burned, and chased Chief Black Hawk; stayed overnight at what is now the Lincoln-Manahan Home Museum in Sterling.

Immediate Past President of Illinois Judges Foundation Retired Judge Hauptman, center, officially presented the commemorative portrait, while County Board Chairman James  C. Duffy, left, awaited the unveiling.  ISBA President McCluskey, at right, then spoke.


Left-to-right, Executive Director Furry retold how Lincoln once sat for a photograph, from which political posters were made and widely distributed.  His messy hair created a very un-Presidential look.  So, a new portrait was taken, which showed a formal look for the candidate.  It is this view of a future 16th President that was hidden.  Furry and Weiler listened to Chairman Duffy’s acceptance speech. 


Troop 1504 was gathered to see the drape removed by Furry, McCloskey, Steines, and Duffy, left-to-right.  Steines closed the ceremony.



Daisy, Brownie, Junior, and Cadette Girl Scouts are shown, left-to-right, with the new portrait.  Sitting are Breña and Shay; kneeling are Brooke, Annabelle, and Peyton; standing are Kaelynn, Allison, Abby, Bekka, Finley, Bayleigh, Yvette, Riley, and Tamara.


Spectators then had their photograph taken with Mr. Lincoln.  County Board member Susan Britt and her husband, James, Sr., are shown below.  Refreshments included Lincoln top hat and cent cookies.



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