Letter from Whiteside County Police Chiefs

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Dear Citizens:

We, as current local Law Enforcement executives, pledge our support of Kris Schmidt for our next Whiteside County Sheriff on November 6, 2018.

Major change and reform in Law Enforcement is coming on both the State and Federal levels.  Having a Sheriff who already has a working relationship with citizens, Law Enforcement, State Representatives, and Senators alike, gives us an amazing advantage here in Whiteside County.  We owe it to our communities, to have a Sheriff who can create solutions to the complex problems while sharing and collaborating resources.  Kris Schmidt is poised to be that voice and solution for the citizens of Whiteside County.  Kris will work with all other Law Enforcement administrators to assure that issues are tackled together in a collective manner.

With the rising issues based around the meth and opioid epidemic in Whiteside County, having a proven leader in the position of Sheriff is vital now, more than ever.  We have been making an impact with several drug related arrests and programs, but we need to tackle this problem on three fronts:  enforcement, education, and treatment (i.e., Safe Passage, One Eighty, or similar programs.)  We have serious issues to address.  We need the right person leading the team and sharing their resources for all of us to battle this issue in a concerted effort.

At a time where Law Enforcement executives are asked to do more with less, we must have the right person in the position of Sheriff who has networking capabilities and believes in the teamwork atmosphere.  By collaborating our efforts and resources, we will be much more effective in making our communities safer.

As a former School Resource Officer, Kris has continued to work with the Regional Office of Education, as well as local school administrations on school safety.  His willingness to become an instructor for the Run, Hide, and Fight Active Shooter Survival Training, along with his continued efforts to work with school officials, local Law Enforcement agencies, and Legislators, exemplifies his commitment to the safety of your children and our schools.

In conclusion, all of us, as citizens of Whiteside County should demand our next Sheriff to be a positive leader, while resurrecting character and integrity to the position of Sheriff.  This type of positivity, integrity, and fairness must exist not only in our homes, schools, and communities, but also in our local Law Enforcement agencies.  Kris Schmidt is the only decision for Whiteside County Sheriff and we, as local Law Enforcement executives, are asking for you to join us in voting for Kris Schmidt on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.


Brian R. Melton                               

Terry Strike  

Mike Fisk                                           

Rollie Elder                            

Wyatt M. Heyvaert

(Three other Chiefs wished to be a part of this letter.  However, contractual guidelines restricted them from having the option.)

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