
Clodfelter Wins ACES Scholarship

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A local graduate from Sterling, IL, will join 46 high school Seniors and college transfer students headed to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, this fall with a little help from their local Extension office. The students have each been awarded a $2500 Extension to ACES Scholarship to attend College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES).

Janice McCoy, County Director said, “Helping our brightest students have an opportunity to attend a world-class research institution is important. University of Illinois is preparing the next generation to meet the real-world challenges facing our communities and the world.”


The 2018 Extension to ACES scholarship winner from Whiteside County is Mitchell Clodfelter, above right, from Sterling, IL. He is the son of Randy and Pam Clodfelter. University of Illinois College of ACES Dean Kidwell, left, was in the area touring on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, and presented Mitchell with his certificate.

“Mitchell has been a 4-H member of the Genesee Hillbillies club for ten years and has excelled in many areas, including leadership. He has been a member of 4-H Federation, a 4-H camp counselor, a 4-H ambassador, and has represented 4-H to local funders. His project areas include beef, swine, and woodworking. He is currently President of Federation and his 4-H club. Mitchell is a great example of how 4-H can make the best better,” said McCoy.

This fall, the scholarship recipients will join more than 2600 other students in the College who are pursuing degrees in agricultural and biological engineering; agricultural and consumer economics; agricultural communications; agricultural leadership and science education; animal sciences; computer sciences and crop sciences; food sciences and human nutrition; human development and family studies; natural resources and environmental sciences; technical systems management.

Dr. Shelly Nickols-Richardson, the Interim Director of Extension, said, “Extension is at the core of how the University of Illinois shares knowledge and innovation with communities in this State, so working with the College of ACES to bring students to campus just makes sense. We’re proud to help make this world-class education accessible.”

University of Illinois Extension, housed in the College of ACES, operates educational outreach programs in 27 regional units across the State, covering all 102 counties. Staff in each of the units worked with area high schools to get the word out about the scholarships and recruit for ACES.

Area students are encouraged to learn more about College of ACES programs at

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