Bustos: Trump Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Hurt Farmers

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On Thursday, May, 31, 2018, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos issued the following statement, in response to President Donald Trump’s decision to impose aluminum and steel tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and the European Union.  Earlier in the month, news broke that China, in response to President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs against them, has canceled several shipments of soybeans from the United States and is buying “record amounts of Russian soy.”

“President Trump might be a master showman, and he sure knows how to get headlines, but he keeps making impulsive decisions that are hurting hardworking families across the heartland,” said Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.  “Agriculture is our main economic driver, so it was devastating when thousands of farmers recently learned China has stopped buying our soybeans because of President Trump’s last round of trade sanctions.  Instead of trying to repair the damage he just caused, President Trump opened up a new front in his trade war….[T]here’s no question there will be very real consequences for hardworking Americans.”

“Hardworking families deserve a President who is more focused on creating good-paying American jobs, than figuring out what he can fit in a tweet.”

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