
Fulton Plant Sale May 12

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2018PlantSaleFinally looking forward to spring weather?  We are all somewhat anxious to get outside into the yard to do some gardening.  As you anticipate what changes and improvements you wish to make, consider coming to the annual Fulton Plant Sale on Saturday, May 12, 2018.

There is always a nice selection of plants to choose from for your seasonal projects.  Primarily perennials with some annuals will be available.

This sale operates solely on donated specimens from area gardens.  If you have plants you no longer want or need to split, dig them up, and bring them to the Fulton Fire Station (south of the intersection of Rt 136 and Rt 84), on Friday, May 11, from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Gardeners will be there to re-package your donations for sale on the following day.  The actual sale will be Saturday, May 12, from 8:00 a.m. to noon.  Most plants are priced at $2 and up. Come early for the best selections!

Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions concerning planting tips and recommended plant care.

The Fulton Plant Sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Windmill, with proceeds to benefit the beatifications of the Windmill Area.

If you have questions as to digging and splitting plants, contact Jude Holesinger at 563-249-6115 or theholesingers@mchsi.com.

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