Bustos Comments on Speaker Ryan’s Retirement

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Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos responded to Wednesday, April 11, 2018, news of the upcoming January 2019 Retirement of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

“I wish Speaker Ryan well, but I really wish I could offer congratulations to him on a job well done.  However, on his watch the deficit exploded to more than $1 trillion, endangering Social Security and Medicare.  He also gave billionaires and corporate special interests massive windfall tax breaks, while increasing health care costs for millions of hardworking Americans.”

“America is headed in the wrong direction, and we need a major course correction, if we’re going to put hardworking families first once again.  People are sick of getting a raw deal from Washington Republicans.  They deserve a Better Deal rooted in creating better jobs, better wages, and a better future for all Americans.”

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