
Letter from Sheriff’s Nominee Kris Schmidt

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KrisHeadAs Primary Election night came to a close, [on Tuesday, March 20, 2018,] all Kris Schmidt could do was sigh.

“This journey has been a humbling experience,” said Schmidt, a Republican candidate for Sheriff of Whiteside County.  “We have spent countless hours getting out to meet voters all over the County and to listen to their concerns.  I thank them for their outstanding support during these past months.”

He also thanked the many people who worked on his Primary Election campaign.  “We assembled a top notch team that ran a positive campaign, and now we are looking toward November,” he said.

“I personally wanted to thank each of you for your support, trust, and overall compassion that has been shown.  Without that team philosophy, we would not be here.  I am fully aware it takes a team to make anything a success.  I take great pride in the internal growth I have gained throughout this campaign process. There have been tears shed, laughs shared, and many tireless nights of missed sleep wondering, “Are we doing all we can to share our goals, values, and desired betterment of the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office?”

“You see, I am truly not in this for myself, but for the citizens of Whiteside County, the employees of the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office, and the many other agencies that have any contact with us.  May you and I also live for Christ with no reserve, no retreat, and no regrets!”

Schmidt will face Democratic challenger John Booker for Sheriff in the General Election on Tuesdy, November 6.

For more information on his campaign and activities, please visit and Kris Schmidt for Sheriff on Facebook.

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