
Schmidt Donates to Wright Family Easter Egg Hunt

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WrightEggHuntWith the kind contributions from supporters of Citizens for Schmidt, Republican Sheriff Candidate Kristopher Schmidt was able to make a donation to the Wright Family Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Monday, March 19, 2018.  Surrounded with Coordinator John Wright and his family, Kris presented John with a $1000 check.  It is to help their community event that turns no child away and is fun for the whole family.  The Egg Hunt is on Saturday, March 31.

As stated on the Wright Easter Egg Hunt Facebook post, “It’s getting to be that time again.  Last year we had a HUGE success with over 800 people attending our annual egg hunt here in Lyndon.  Who would have thought that ten years ago, when we started this in our back yard for family and friends, that it would grow bigger than the population of our town (650)!  We only opened our hunt up to the public three years ago.  We NEVER could have  imagined it getting this big.  This year I plan on making a few changes to try and accommodate all these people.  I will be using the entire park; there will be a section just for kids that need help from their parents (kids under four and special needs kids.)  We will still do a free cook out, hot dogs, chips, and a bottle of water.  My goal is to have 1500 prizes to hand out and as many bikes to give away as we can get.  Last year we had 17 donated to give away.  We will still have all the animals, bounce house, and games after the hunt.  Easter comes early this year, so I’m hoping the kids won’t have to hunt for eggs in the snow!”

Schmidt, a Lyndon native, loves the community and public outreach that the Wright Family works so hard to put together.  With that, Kris wanted to help the Wright Family bring joy and a gleam to the eyes of children on this festive season.  A huge thank you to the Wright Family, volunteers, and other donors for making this amazing event possible.

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